19 January
Word of the day :”MORTIFIED”
The first day
Today is the day, I thought to myself as I rose from my deep slumber by the front door.
My dad left my cereal next to me before he left for work, with a small note saying
“All the best for your first day at college, love pops”.
I munched through my oats, made a quick cup of delicious early grey tea- hmm my favourite!
I brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, sprayed my vanilla spray on my neck, and practiced my formal greetings in front of the bathroom mirror, I looked myself confidently in the eyes and said :
” Hello, my name is Tallulah, who the hell are you?”.
(Hmm maybe that’s a bit to in your face?)
I tried again:” Good day, I am respectfully known as Tallulah Belle cupcake visionary, and who do you go by?”
(Hmm, that sounded a bit better), I thought I’d practice the rest of my potential greetings in my car while I sit in traffic!
But I don’t want to be late; I skipped out the door, almost forgetting to take the earl grey with me!
“Good bye mother” I sang joyfully through the key hole as I closed the door! So long loser, ha ha (Hope she never heard me)
I was so over excited about my first day that I tripped on one of the cement slabs leading to the garage. I’m a lady on the go, I don’t have time for useless setbacks, I got up dusted the grass off my now crinkled dress, and walked with my eyes on the prize!
Not just any college CUPCAKE COLLEGE. Aka :COOPCAYKE CHOOFLAY (say it with me people!)
My car started as moved the key through the ignition; I wasn’t surprised as that is what normally happens when I do that. I reversed, I almost nudged the paper boy- (darn I hated it when I missed him though! )
And away I go, vroom vroom!
Time: 8 am…… college starts at 9 am. Hmm I have practiced my potential greetings, now what? I am a bit bored. I think its time for Tallulah Belle’s greatest hits compilation. And then I just let go, singing to the top of my lungs, pretending I was that singer! I had some pretty out there moves that I was experimenting with, I was on fire!
All of sudden my liberty came to a crushing halt! It was broken off by the hooting of the little blue car next to me, I looked quite upset at first, as I was rudely interrupted by a honking sound! I glared through the window and saw these dark brown eyes looking back at me, I zoomed out and saw that it was a guy, I immediately smiled the cheesiest smile, and it felt like my cheeks were sun burnt.
He waved at me and laughed, I think the word is: mortified, suddenly flash backs of singing and car dancing filtered through my mind sharply, and I could imagine what an utter idiot I must have looked like to this guy. The robots went green; I pulled my car forward trying my absolute best to never look left ever again, in case I see those brown eyes again!
I took my CD out of the player, and kept my humming to a dismal low, acting very cool in case I was being watched.
I pulled into the parking lot, of my college; it was painted a turquoise colour with big windows around the cubed looking building.
It was buzzing with people, people maybe just as excited as me. I found an opening, and parked my little automobile.
I felt destiny calling my name, or that’s what I think it was. I grabbed my bag from the passenger side, and stepped out; I could smell the past success of icing meets sponge.
There I stood, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I heard a voice speak in front of me; “hey, are you all right?”. I opened my eyes only to discover it was the same guy that I saw in traffic. My heart stopped and my ears were set on fire! I didn’t know what to say, he spoke again breaking this very awkward silence:” So you’re stalking me?”
I can’t really remember what exactly happened next in detail, but I remember dropping my bag, with my very female props falling out between our feet. As I lent forward to start gathering my things, he dived forward and started helping me, I was shocked, as he started picking up my very girly things, and then my heart nearly dropped when I felt his hands grab my left ballet pump. I looked at him completely mortified, he smiled teasingly saying: ”Oops, sorry about that didn’t realise that was your shoe!” I kept my eyes on my bag and threw my things swiftly into my bag.
He must have thought that I was mute, I felt mute. I stood up with my now newly rearrange bag, and tried to study his face. His hair was slightly waved, and pieces would swiftly brush past his face, he had perfect straight bright white teeth, with hazel colour eyes. He smiled then broke my serious stair by introducing himself. My name is Todd James Daniel; he placed his hand in mine as if to shake it politely. My hand felt like jelly in his hands, and clammy like. I tried to practice one of my greetings, but nothing came out, it felt like I had a throat infection or like my tonsils had taken my vocal chords hostage against its will. I left my hand in his forgetting it was there, he dropped my hand gently and looked a bit disappointed that I hadn’t replied. He then looked at me a bit annoyed and mumbled something along the lines of “enjoy your first day”, and he brushed past me and he was gone.
I stood there for a few minutes trying to refocus my brain; it felt as though that brief interruption through me off course. I moved my right foot, and then the left foot followed almost immediately. I walked very bravely to the front double doors which were painted bright pink. A few girls were eagerly rushing past me obviously following their new time table religiously. I stood there taking in this moment of my first step through the front doors. This moment came to sudden halt, when a very obnoxious sounding voice pierced through my ears:” Check out this lame looking statue.”( Followed by an evil nasal laugh.)
What an unbearable sound, she shoved past me taking a good look at me. I didn’t let that awful shriek break my moment. I stepped through doors, and imagined a light from the heavens shining on me and music playing as I walked the first step on destiny path.
I studied my new time table, and looked for my first class:” Choux pastry room 1”. It was the most beautiful room that I had ever seen. Very vintage retro looking red ovens placed strategically in the room, with black and white tiles on the floor.
The master chef educator rose to her feet from her desk, and started off with a very friendly speech:” Welcome to your first day of what might be a miniature version of hell, some of you I will naturally like, some of you I will despise either because I find your cooking to be repulsive and embarrassing to everything we stand for.”
I was moved by that speech, as we were about to start I heard that horrid high pitch laugh ring through my ears, the chef educator called out:” Mena Stuppels, could you quieten down”. But that request made her snicker even louder almost as though she were protesting; I wanted to throw my book deep into her Adams apple. But instead a grabbed my pencil and started doodling outlines of cupcakes.
The day passed by so quickly , least I was able to make one decent potential friend named Annie, she seemed quite nice and friendly, very clumsy but nice non the less. We sat next to each other in bake theory class. Least she was able to block the view Mena Stuppels,
As I walked to my car I saw Todd talking to some guys next to his car, I was trying to think of ways, in which I could ignore bumping into him again. As I was contemplating these ideas I already found myself walking towards them. I looked down as walk, hoping that he wouldn’t recognise me, I thought if id stare hard towards the ground id literally disappear. I heard their voices get louder, as I walked closer, I was so busy looking down that I felt myself bump into something very hard, almost knocking me to the floor, when I looked up to see what I had bumped into, I saw Todd trying to hold me up by my shoulders. I froze, as I looked into his warm brown eyes. He looked concerned:” Are you ok? I didn’t see you there!” I nodded my head then heard his friends burst out laughing. I felt like my body went on fire, but not in a good way, crispy instead of well done!
He glared at his friends, almost as though he were trying to shield me from them. I didn’t need him to defend me; I can take care of myself! I moved my shoulders away from his hands, and walked to my car, trying very hard not to look back at him.
For some reason it felt like my car keys had disappeared in my bag, I must have Mary Poppin`s bag- cause I could find everything else besides my keys. Finally found my keys in my jacket pocket. I pulled my car into reverse and managed not to look back, I hoped that I wouldn’t knock him over by accident.
My drive back home was quite quiet, although my mind was running a million miles towards Toddles. There was nothing really special about him, I tried to convince myself. Besides his dreamy eyes, he was rather plain. I thought to myself.
I must focus on my studies and not let some guy distract me from my vision! “ELSIE”……
I pulled my car into the garage, and grabbed my things, and slowly walked to the front door. When I got inside I realised the house was quite peaceful, my parents hadn’t arrived home yet from work. I sunk into the couch, exhausted from all the embarrassment that I had experienced today. I closed my eyes and let my thoughts drift, only to find that I had fallen asleep.
Word of the day :”MORTIFIED”
The first day
Today is the day, I thought to myself as I rose from my deep slumber by the front door.
My dad left my cereal next to me before he left for work, with a small note saying
“All the best for your first day at college, love pops”.
I munched through my oats, made a quick cup of delicious early grey tea- hmm my favourite!
I brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, sprayed my vanilla spray on my neck, and practiced my formal greetings in front of the bathroom mirror, I looked myself confidently in the eyes and said :
” Hello, my name is Tallulah, who the hell are you?”.
(Hmm maybe that’s a bit to in your face?)
I tried again:” Good day, I am respectfully known as Tallulah Belle cupcake visionary, and who do you go by?”
(Hmm, that sounded a bit better), I thought I’d practice the rest of my potential greetings in my car while I sit in traffic!
But I don’t want to be late; I skipped out the door, almost forgetting to take the earl grey with me!
“Good bye mother” I sang joyfully through the key hole as I closed the door! So long loser, ha ha (Hope she never heard me)
I was so over excited about my first day that I tripped on one of the cement slabs leading to the garage. I’m a lady on the go, I don’t have time for useless setbacks, I got up dusted the grass off my now crinkled dress, and walked with my eyes on the prize!
Not just any college CUPCAKE COLLEGE. Aka :COOPCAYKE CHOOFLAY (say it with me people!)
My car started as moved the key through the ignition; I wasn’t surprised as that is what normally happens when I do that. I reversed, I almost nudged the paper boy- (darn I hated it when I missed him though! )
And away I go, vroom vroom!
Time: 8 am…… college starts at 9 am. Hmm I have practiced my potential greetings, now what? I am a bit bored. I think its time for Tallulah Belle’s greatest hits compilation. And then I just let go, singing to the top of my lungs, pretending I was that singer! I had some pretty out there moves that I was experimenting with, I was on fire!
All of sudden my liberty came to a crushing halt! It was broken off by the hooting of the little blue car next to me, I looked quite upset at first, as I was rudely interrupted by a honking sound! I glared through the window and saw these dark brown eyes looking back at me, I zoomed out and saw that it was a guy, I immediately smiled the cheesiest smile, and it felt like my cheeks were sun burnt.
He waved at me and laughed, I think the word is: mortified, suddenly flash backs of singing and car dancing filtered through my mind sharply, and I could imagine what an utter idiot I must have looked like to this guy. The robots went green; I pulled my car forward trying my absolute best to never look left ever again, in case I see those brown eyes again!
I took my CD out of the player, and kept my humming to a dismal low, acting very cool in case I was being watched.
I pulled into the parking lot, of my college; it was painted a turquoise colour with big windows around the cubed looking building.
It was buzzing with people, people maybe just as excited as me. I found an opening, and parked my little automobile.
I felt destiny calling my name, or that’s what I think it was. I grabbed my bag from the passenger side, and stepped out; I could smell the past success of icing meets sponge.
There I stood, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I heard a voice speak in front of me; “hey, are you all right?”. I opened my eyes only to discover it was the same guy that I saw in traffic. My heart stopped and my ears were set on fire! I didn’t know what to say, he spoke again breaking this very awkward silence:” So you’re stalking me?”
I can’t really remember what exactly happened next in detail, but I remember dropping my bag, with my very female props falling out between our feet. As I lent forward to start gathering my things, he dived forward and started helping me, I was shocked, as he started picking up my very girly things, and then my heart nearly dropped when I felt his hands grab my left ballet pump. I looked at him completely mortified, he smiled teasingly saying: ”Oops, sorry about that didn’t realise that was your shoe!” I kept my eyes on my bag and threw my things swiftly into my bag.
He must have thought that I was mute, I felt mute. I stood up with my now newly rearrange bag, and tried to study his face. His hair was slightly waved, and pieces would swiftly brush past his face, he had perfect straight bright white teeth, with hazel colour eyes. He smiled then broke my serious stair by introducing himself. My name is Todd James Daniel; he placed his hand in mine as if to shake it politely. My hand felt like jelly in his hands, and clammy like. I tried to practice one of my greetings, but nothing came out, it felt like I had a throat infection or like my tonsils had taken my vocal chords hostage against its will. I left my hand in his forgetting it was there, he dropped my hand gently and looked a bit disappointed that I hadn’t replied. He then looked at me a bit annoyed and mumbled something along the lines of “enjoy your first day”, and he brushed past me and he was gone.
I stood there for a few minutes trying to refocus my brain; it felt as though that brief interruption through me off course. I moved my right foot, and then the left foot followed almost immediately. I walked very bravely to the front double doors which were painted bright pink. A few girls were eagerly rushing past me obviously following their new time table religiously. I stood there taking in this moment of my first step through the front doors. This moment came to sudden halt, when a very obnoxious sounding voice pierced through my ears:” Check out this lame looking statue.”( Followed by an evil nasal laugh.)
What an unbearable sound, she shoved past me taking a good look at me. I didn’t let that awful shriek break my moment. I stepped through doors, and imagined a light from the heavens shining on me and music playing as I walked the first step on destiny path.
I studied my new time table, and looked for my first class:” Choux pastry room 1”. It was the most beautiful room that I had ever seen. Very vintage retro looking red ovens placed strategically in the room, with black and white tiles on the floor.
The master chef educator rose to her feet from her desk, and started off with a very friendly speech:” Welcome to your first day of what might be a miniature version of hell, some of you I will naturally like, some of you I will despise either because I find your cooking to be repulsive and embarrassing to everything we stand for.”
I was moved by that speech, as we were about to start I heard that horrid high pitch laugh ring through my ears, the chef educator called out:” Mena Stuppels, could you quieten down”. But that request made her snicker even louder almost as though she were protesting; I wanted to throw my book deep into her Adams apple. But instead a grabbed my pencil and started doodling outlines of cupcakes.
The day passed by so quickly , least I was able to make one decent potential friend named Annie, she seemed quite nice and friendly, very clumsy but nice non the less. We sat next to each other in bake theory class. Least she was able to block the view Mena Stuppels,
As I walked to my car I saw Todd talking to some guys next to his car, I was trying to think of ways, in which I could ignore bumping into him again. As I was contemplating these ideas I already found myself walking towards them. I looked down as walk, hoping that he wouldn’t recognise me, I thought if id stare hard towards the ground id literally disappear. I heard their voices get louder, as I walked closer, I was so busy looking down that I felt myself bump into something very hard, almost knocking me to the floor, when I looked up to see what I had bumped into, I saw Todd trying to hold me up by my shoulders. I froze, as I looked into his warm brown eyes. He looked concerned:” Are you ok? I didn’t see you there!” I nodded my head then heard his friends burst out laughing. I felt like my body went on fire, but not in a good way, crispy instead of well done!
He glared at his friends, almost as though he were trying to shield me from them. I didn’t need him to defend me; I can take care of myself! I moved my shoulders away from his hands, and walked to my car, trying very hard not to look back at him.
For some reason it felt like my car keys had disappeared in my bag, I must have Mary Poppin`s bag- cause I could find everything else besides my keys. Finally found my keys in my jacket pocket. I pulled my car into reverse and managed not to look back, I hoped that I wouldn’t knock him over by accident.
My drive back home was quite quiet, although my mind was running a million miles towards Toddles. There was nothing really special about him, I tried to convince myself. Besides his dreamy eyes, he was rather plain. I thought to myself.
I must focus on my studies and not let some guy distract me from my vision! “ELSIE”……
I pulled my car into the garage, and grabbed my things, and slowly walked to the front door. When I got inside I realised the house was quite peaceful, my parents hadn’t arrived home yet from work. I sunk into the couch, exhausted from all the embarrassment that I had experienced today. I closed my eyes and let my thoughts drift, only to find that I had fallen asleep.
Talulah sounds like she had quite a first day! It will be interesting to see how the rest of the year pans out. :)
ReplyDeleteAhoi there Tallulah :) Very glad i finally discovered your blog :D (tks 2 twitter..hehe) Very entertaining & funny indeed, well done!! Looking forward 2 da rest, keep well. Kennie
ReplyDeleteI'm curious about Tallulah's relationship with her mother...